LA-CCI is an acronym that refers to the Latin America Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI), which currently includes correspondents in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In these Countries, there is sound research and active groups working in CI that are eager to develop the area and exchange experiences/personnel. As well as a Conference Series, LA-CCI is a structuring endeavor from LA-CIS (Latin American Computational Intelligence Society) that is encouraging research groups of these participating Countries to teams up around the exciting topic of Computational Intelligence.

Overall, the objective of LA-CCI Series is to provide a high-level international stage and forum for scientists, researchers, engineers, and educators to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views of the future research directions on Neural & Learning Systems, Fuzzy & Stochastic Modeling, Evolutionary & Swarm Computation, and their related applications. This year we will include a special topic on Social and economic development through Computational Intelligence technologies (including Ethical and Sustainable applications). Every year the LA-CCI crowd visits Latin Countries to talk about Computational Intelligence. Past previous successful editions of LA-CCI were: 2022 – Montevideo, Uruguay; 2021 – Temuco, Chile; 2019 – Guayaquil, Ecuador; 2018 – Guadalajara/Mexico; 2017 – Arequipa/Peru; 2016 – Cartagena de Indias/Colombia; 2015 – Curitiba/Brazil; and in 2014 – San Carlos de Bariloche/Argentina. Since 2016, LA-CCI is officially sponsored by the prestigious IEEE and IEEE-CIS, and always has been supported by national government and local societies. Since its inception, the local organizers of LA-CCI and Steering Committee of LA-CCI have been caring greatly about future researchers so that this year we will offer again thematic sessions, school, and discussions-panels specially tailored for them. And as an additional self-imposed responsibility, the organizers found important to gather scholars, government officials and funding agencies representatives to discuss institutional approaches, internationalization policies and funding mechanisms that could be fostering R&D in CI for Latin American Countries. The joint organization team would like to encourage the participation of established scientists, young researchers, and advanced students, not limited of Latin America Countries. It is important to notice that our Congress is organized by Latin Countries but aims at the international scientific community. Finally, it is always worth to state our main goals, namely:

  1. To be a notch scientific forum in Latin America;
  2. To be a regional hub of CI practitioners and professionals;
  3. To be a privileged showcase of CI to industry;
  4. To be a springboard for students;
  5. To publicize CI research going on within LA-CCI Countries;
  6. To encourage CI research links to the LA-CCI Countries;
  7. To foster academic mobility in LA-CCI and beyond; and,
  8. To promote Science & Culture for Latin America.